Normal Distribution
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The probability density of normal distribution is:
is the mean (or expectation) of the distribution. It is also equal to median and mode of the distribution.
is the variance.
is the standard deviation.
If and , then the normal distribution is known as standard normal distribution:
Every normal distribution can be represented as standard normal distribution:
Consider a real-valued random variable, . The cumulative distribution function of (or just the distribution function of ) evaluated at is the probability that will take a value less than or equal to :
The cumulative distribution function for a function with normal distribution is:
Where is the function:
Task In a certain plant, the time taken to assemble a car is a random variable, , having a normal distribution with a mean of hours and a standard deviation of hours. What is the probability that a car can be assembled at this plant in:
Less than hours?
Between and hours?
Task The final grades for a Physics exam taken by a large group of students have a mean of and a standard deviation of . If we can approximate the distribution of these grades by a normal distribution, what percentage of the students:
Scored higher than (i.e., have a )?
Passed the test (i.e., have a )?
Failed the test (i.e., have a )?