Resampling and Monte Carlo Simulation
Probability Distributions - a Recap
In this lesson, we shall quickly revise and summarize the probability distribution functions for some common data distributions that we have seen so far, and will surely visit them again in a machine learning context. This lesson is aimed to help you wrap your head a little bit more around distributions and how to implement and visualize them in Python.
You will be able to:
Describe the probability functions for Uniform, Exponential, Normal and Poisson distributions
Generate data and plot a number of distributions using SciPy and Numpy
Representing distributions
There are many ways to represent a probability distribution, we have seen probability mass functions for discrete data, or PMFs, and Probability Density Functions (PDFs), for continuous data. These function map from each possible outcome to its probability. PMF/PDF are among several representations of a distribution. Other representations include the cumulative distribution function (CDF).
Let's revise some popular distributions along with distribution functions and implementation/visualizations in python
Uniform Distribution
A uniform distribution just means there's a flat constant probability of a value occurring within a given range. For uniform distribution, the probability function is calculated as:
We can create a uniform distribution by using the NumPy random.uniform
function. Following code says,
We want 100000 uniformly distributed random set of values that ranges between -10 and 1.
We then create a histogram of those values, Here is what it looks like:
We can see that there is an equal chance of any given value or range of values occurring in that data. Unlike the normal distribution with concentration of values near the mean, a uniform distribution has equal probability across any given value within the range that you define.(-10 to 10 in this case. We can normalize the values in the histogram above to see the probability of these values which will be almost equal to 0.05.
Gaussian Distributions
We have seen seen normal/Gaussian repeatedly. For Gaussian distribution, the probability function is calculated as:
We can visualize Gaussian distributions with a function called pdf (probability density function) in the scipy.stats.norm package function.
Here, we are creating a list of x values for plotting that range between -3 and 3 with an increment of 0.001 in between them by using the arange
function. These are the x values on the graph and we plotted the x-axis with using those values.
The y-axis is the normal function, norm.pdf
, i.e., the PDF for a normal distribution, on the x values.
The PDF function plots a normal distribution for the given numbers that we provided, where 0 represents the mean, and the numbers -3, -2,-1, 1, 2, and 3 are standard deviations. We can also generate random numbers with a normal distribution using random.normal
function from NumPy. The first parameter mu
represents the mean that you want to center the data around and sigma
is the standard deviation of that data. Then, we specify the number of data points to be generated, which is 10000 here.
So that's a way to use a probability distribution function, in this case the normal distribution function, to generate a set of random data. We can then plot that, using a histogram broken into 50 buckets and show it.
as shown in following code:
It does look more or less like a normal distribution, but since there is a random element, it's not going to be a perfect curve. We can, however, use seaborn
to get the KDE which is a good PDF estimation and gives us a smooth PDF, while normalizing all values.
We can further inspect cumulative Density functions (CDFs) for a given normal dataset in seaborn as shown below:
Exponential Distribution
Another common distribution function is the exponential probability distribution function, where things fall off in an exponential manner, with which we expect to see a curve, where it's very likely for something to happen, near zero, but then, as you get farther away from it, it drops off very quickly. There's a lot of things in nature that behave in this manner. The probability function of an Exponential Distribution is shown as:
To implement this in Python, we have an expon.pdf function we can use.
Let's create our x values using the NumPy arange
function to create some values between 0 and 10 with a step size of 0.001. We can then plot those x values against the y-axis, which is defined as the function expon.pdf(x). The output looks like an exponential fall off. We can do the same syntax that we did for the normal distribution with an exponential distribution as shown below:
Poisson Distribution
Poisson probability mass function, looks a lot like a normal distribution, but it's a little bit different. If we have some information about the average number of things that happen in a given time period, this probability mass function can give you a way to predict the odds of getting another value instead, on a given future day.
As an example, let's say we have a website with an average of 500 visitors per day. We can use the Poisson probability mass function to estimate the probability of seeing some other value on a specific day. For example, average of 500 visitors per day, what's the odds of seeing 550 visitors on a given day? That's what a Poisson probability mass function gives us.
So we'll set our average to 500 mu, and generate some x values to look at between 400 and 600 with a spacing of 0.5. We shall plot this data using the poisson.pmf function. We can then use that plot to look up the odds of getting any specific value that's not 500, assuming a normal distribution
Let's see the above in Python:
So this shows a very low probability , the odds of seeing 550 visitors on a given day, it turns out, comes out to about 0.002 or 0.2% probability.
We shall revisit these and maybe some other distributions repeatedly through rest of our course. I|t is imperative that you have a clear understanding of the probability functions for these distributions, their implementation in python and the interpretation of their probability functions.
Below is a quick reference sheet you can consult while formulating data distributions:
In this lesson, we revised and summarized some of the discrete and continuous probability distributions that we had already covered earlier in the course. The aim of this lesson was to get a good revision before we start using these (and other) distributions in a machine learning context.
The Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
In applied statistics the question is not whether the data/residuals are perfectly normal, but normal enough for the assumptions to hold.
This question is answered through visualization techniques we've seen before like qqplots, Boxplots, of more advanced statistics tests including:
The Shapiro-Wilk test;
The Anderson-Darling test, and;
The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test.
One-Sample KS test
This is also known as the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Goodness of Fit Test. It calculates the similarity between an observed (empirical) distribution and a completely specified theoretical continuous distribution. It is sensitive to all attributes of a distribution including mean, variance and shape.
Two-Sample KS Test
The two-sample KS test checks if two independent samples have been drawn from the same population, or, equivalently, from two identical populations (X = Y).
For a different distribution, we can reject the null hypothesis since the p-value is below 1%:
Resampling Methods
jackknife (takes random samples by removing one or more at the time)
bootstrapping (takes random samples with replacement)
Min-max scaling is useful specifically when a column of data has extreme outliers that you want to tuck in.
Log-transformation is useful when the data is skewed one way or the other or when you want to scale it down.
Standardizing to take z scores is also useful to scale down data. (If you want to compare e.g. a column of years (4 digits) to a column of small numbers (1 or 2 digits), then both columns have to be scaled down to become comparable.
log and sqrt transformations are specifically good for positive skew as they reduce larger values more than smaller ones...however, if there are zero or negative values, you would need to add a constant, as you cannot log transform a negative or zero value (same for square root).
also keep in mind the difference between transformations for normalization and standardization:
standardization is to put the features on a similar scale (i.e., for comparison) and does not change the shape of the distribution (z transform some data and compare with the original to test this yourself).
Transformations, on the other hand, normalize the distribution - make it more symmetrical and reduce the tails, etc.
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