
Another very useful way of starting a thread and passing information to it is by using a lambda expression ("Lambda" for short). With a Lambda you can easily create simple function objects.

The name "Lambda" comes from Lambda Calculus , a mathematical formalism invented by Alonzo Church in the 1930s to investigate questions of logic and computability. Lambda calculus formed the basis of LISP, a functional programming language. Compared to Lambda Calculus and LISP, C ++ - Lambdas have the properties of being unnamed and capturing variables from the surrounding context, but lack the ability to execute and return functions.

A Lambda is often used as an argument for functions that can take a callable object. This can be easier than creating a named function that is used only when passed as an argument. In such cases, Lambdas are generally preferred because they allow the function objects to be defined inline. If Lambdas were not available, we would have to define an extra function somewhere else in our source file - which would work but at the expense of the clarity of the source code.

A Lambda is a function object (a "functor"), so it has a type and can be stored and passed around. Its result object is called a "closure", which can be called using the operator () as we will see shortly.

A lambda formally consists of three parts: a capture list [] , a parameter list () and a main part {}, which contains the code to be executed when the Lambda is called. Note that in principal all parts could be empty.

The capture list []: By default, variables outside of the enclosing {} around the main part of the Lambda can not be accessed. By adding a variable to the capture list however, it becomes available within the Lambda either as a copy or as a reference. The captured variables become a part of the Lambda.

By default, variables in the capture block can not be modified within the Lambda. Using the keyword "mutable" allows to modify the parameters captured by copy, and to call their non-const member functions within the body of the Lambda. The following code examples show several ways of making the external variable "id" accessible within a Lambda.

Even though we have been using Lambdas in the above example in various ways, it is important to note that a Lambda does not exist at runtime. The runtime effect of a Lambda is the generation of an object, which is known as closure. The difference between a Lambda and the corresponding closure is similar to the distinction between a class and an instance of the class. A class exists only in the source code while the objects created from it exist at runtime.

We can use (a copy of) the closure (i.e. f0, f1, …) to execute the code within the Lambda at a position in our program different to the line where the function object was created.

The parameter list () : The way parameters are passed to a Lambda is basically identical to calling a regular function. If the Lambda takes no arguments, these parentheses can be omitted (except when "mutable" is used).

#include <iostream>

int main()
    // create lambdas
    int id = 0; // Define an integer variable

    //auto f0 = []() { std::cout << "ID = " << id << std::endl; }; // Error: 'id' cannot be accessed

    auto f1 = [id]() { std::cout << "ID = " << id << std::endl; }; // OK, 'id' is captured by value

    auto f2 = [&id]() { std::cout << "ID = " << id << std::endl; }; // OK, 'id' is captured by reference

    //auto f3 = [id]() { std::cout << "ID = " << ++id << std::endl; }; // Error, 'id' may not be modified

    auto f4 = [id]() mutable { std::cout << "ID = " << ++id << std::endl; }; // OK, 'id' may be modified

    // execute lambdas

    return 0;

The following example illustrates how the function object is first created and then used to pass the parameter id later in the code.

#include <iostream>

int main()
    int id = 0; // Define an integer variable

    // create lambda
    auto f = [](const int id) { std::cout << "ID = " << id << std::endl; }; // ID is passed as a parameter

    // execute function object and pass the parameter

    return 0;

Starting Threads with Lambdas

A Lambda is, as we’ve seen, just an object and, like other objects it may be copied, passed as a parameter, stored in a container, etc. The Lambda object has its own scope and lifetime which may, in some circumstances, be different to those objects it has ‘captured’. Programers need to take special care when capturing local objects by reference because a Lambda’s lifetime may exceed the lifetime of its capture list: It must be ensured that the object to which the reference points is still in scope when the Lambda is called. This is especially important in multi-threading programs.

So let us start a thread and pass it a Lambda object to execute:

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>

int main()
    int id = 0; // Define an integer variable

    // starting a first thread (by reference)
    auto f0 = [&id]() {
        std::cout << "a) ID in Thread (call-by-reference) = " << id << std::endl;
    std::thread t1(f0);

    // starting a second thread (by value)
    std::thread t2([id]() mutable {
        std::cout << "b) ID in Thread (call-by-value) = " << id << std::endl;

    // increment and print id in main
    std::cout << "c) ID in Main (call-by-value) = " << id << std::endl;

    // wait for threads before returning

    return 0;

The output of the program looks like this

c) ID in Main (call-by-value) = 1
b) ID in Thread (call-by-value) = 0
a) ID in Thread (call-by-reference) = 1

As you can see, the output in the main thread is generated first, at which point the variable ID has taken the value 1. Then, the call-by-value thread is executed with ID at a value of 0. Then, the call-by-reference thread is executed with ID at a value of 1. This illustrates the effect of passing a value by reference: when the data to which the reference refers changes before the thread is executed, those changes will be visible to the thread. We will see other examples of such behaviour later in the course, as this is a primary source of concurrency bugs.

Running Multiple Threads

Fork-Join Parallelism

Using threads follows a basic concept called "fork-join-parallelism". The basic mechanism of this concept follows a simple three-step pattern:

  1. Split the flow of execution into a parallel thread ("fork")

  2. Perform some work in both the main thread and the parallel thread

  3. Wait for the parallel thread to finish and unite the split flow of execution again ("join")

The following diagram illustrates the basic idea of forking:

In the main thread, the program flow is forked into three parallel branches. In both worker branches, some work is performed - which is why threads are often referred to as "worker threads". Once the work is completed, the flow of execution is united again in the main function using the join() command. In this example, join acts as a barrier where all threads are united. The execution of main is in fact halted, until both worker threads have successfully completed their respective work.

A First Concurrency Bug

Let us adjust the program code from the previous example and use a Lambda instead of the function printHello(). Also, we will pass the loop counter i into the Lambda to enforce an individual wait time for each thread. The idea is to prevent the interleaving of text on the command line which we saw in the previous example.

When executing the code however, the following output is generated on the console:

root@769b39a6d82a:/home/workspace# g++ example_2.cpp -pthread; ./a.out
Hello from Main thread
Hello from Worker thread #39630624
Hello from Worker thread #39630632
Hello from Worker thread #39630640
Hello from Worker thread #39630648
Hello from Worker thread #39630656
Hello from Worker thread #39630664
Hello from Worker thread #39630672
Hello from Worker thread #39630680
Hello from Worker thread #39630688
Hello from Worker thread #39630696

Clearly, this is not what we expected. Can you find the bug and fix the code so that each thread gets the corresponding integer ranging from 0 to 9?

In order to ensure the correct view on the counter variable i, pass it to the Lambda function by value and not by reference.

root@769b39a6d82a:/home/workspace# g++ example_2.cpp -pthread; ./a.out
Hello from Worker thread #0
Hello from Main thread
Hello from Worker thread #1
Hello from Worker thread #2
Hello from Worker thread #3
Hello from Worker thread #4
Hello from Worker thread #5
Hello from Worker thread #6
Hello from Worker thread #7
Hello from Worker thread #8
Hello from Worker thread #9

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