The Open-Source Data Science Masters
The open-source curriculum for learning Data Science. Foundational in both theory and technologies, the OSDSM breaks down the core competencies necessary to making use of data.
The Internet is Your Oyster
With Coursera, ebooks, Stack Overflow, and GitHub -- all free and open -- how can you afford not to take advantage of an open source education?
The Motivation
We need more Data Scientists. 2018 the United States will experience a shortage of 190,000 skilled data scientists, and 1.5 million managers and analysts capable of reaping actionable insights from the big data deluge.
-- McKinsey Report Highlights the Impending Data Scientist Shortage 23 July 2013
There are little to no Data Scientists with 5 years experience, because the job simply did not exist.
-- David Hardtke "How To Hire A Data Scientist" 13 Nov 2012
An Academic Shortfall
Classic academic conduits aren't providing Data Scientists -- this talent gap will be closed differently.
Academic credentials are important but not necessary for high-quality data science. The core aptitudes â curiosity, intellectual agility, statistical fluency, research stamina, scientific rigor, skeptical nature â that distinguish the best data scientists are widely distributed throughout the population.
Weâre likely to see more uncredentialed, inexperienced individuals try their hands at data science, bootstrapping their skills on the open-source ecosystem and using the diversity of modeling tools available. Just as data-science platforms and tools are proliferating through the magic of open source, big dataâs data-scientist pool will as well.
And thereâs yet another trend that will alleviate any talent gap: the democratization of data science. While I agree wholeheartedly with Radenâs statement that âthe crème-de-la-crème of data scientists will fill roles in academia, technology vendors, Wall Street, research and government,â I think heâs understating the extent to which autodidacts â the self-taught, uncredentialed, data-passionate people â will come to play a significant role in many organizationsâ data science initiatives.
-- James Kobielus, Closing the Talent Gap 17 Jan 2013
The Open Source Data Science Curriculum
Start here.
Intro to Data Science / UW Videos
Topics: Python NLP on Twitter API, Distributed Computing Paradigm, MapReduce/Hadoop & Pig Script, SQL/NoSQL, Relational Algebra, Experiment design, Statistics, Graphs, Amazon EC2, Visualization.
Topics: Data wrangling, data management, exploratory data analysis to generate hypotheses and intuition, prediction based on statistical methods such as regression and classification, communication of results through visualization, stories, and summaries.
Data Science with Open Source Tools Book $27
Topics: Visualizing Data, Estimation, Models from Scaling Arguments, Arguments from Probability Models, What you Really Need to Know about Classical Statistics, Data Mining, Clustering, PCA, Map/Reduce, Predictive Analytics
Example Code in: R, Python, Sage, C, Gnu Scientific Library
A Note About Direction
This is an introduction geared toward those with at least a minimum understanding of programming, and (perhaps obviously) an interest in the components of Data Science (like statistics and distributed computing). Out of personal preference and need for focus, I geared the original curriculum toward Python tools and resources. R resources can be found here.
Ethics in Machine Intelligence
Human impact is a first-class concern when building machine intelligence technology. When we build products, we deduce patterns and then reinforce them in the world. Ethics in any Engineering concerns understanding the sociotechnological impact of the products and services we are bringing to bear in the human world -- and whether they are reinforcing a future we all want to live in.
Linear Algebra & Programming
Linear Algebra Khan Academy / Videos
Linear Algebra / Levandosky Stanford / Book
Linear Programming (Math 407) University of Washington / Course
The Manga Guide to Linear Algebra Book
An Intuitive Guide to Linear Algebra Better Explained / Article
A Programmer's Intuition for Matrix Multiplication Better Explained / Article
Vector Calculus: Understanding the Cross Product Better Explained / Article
Vector Calculus: Understanding the Dot Product Better Explained / Article
Convex Optimization
Convex Optimization / Boyd Stanford / Lectures / Book
Stats in a Nutshell Book
Differential Equations & Calculus
Differential Equations in Data Science Python Tutorial
Problem Solving
Problem-Solving Heuristics "How To Solve It" Polya / Book
Get your environment up and running with the Data Science Toolbox
Algorithms Design & Analysis I Stanford / Coursera
Algorithm Design, Kleinberg & Tardos Book
Distributed Computing Paradigms
*See Intro to Data Science UW / Lectures on MapReduce
Intro to Hadoop and MapReduce Cloudera / Udacity Course *includes select free excerpts of Hadoop: The Definitive Guide Book
Introduction to Databases Stanford / Online Course
SQL School Mode Analytics / Tutorials
SQL Tutorials SQLZOO / Tutorials
Data Mining
Mining The Social Web Book
Data Design
How does the real world get translated into data? How should one structure that data to make it understandable and usable? Extends beyond database design to usability of schemas and models.
OSDSM Specialization: Web Scraping & Crawling
Machine Learning
Foundational & Theoretical
Machine Learning Ng Stanford / Coursera & Stanford CS 229
A Course in Machine Learning UMD / Digital Book
The Elements of Statistical Learning / Stanford Digital & Book
& Study GroupMachine Learning Caltech / Edx
Programming Collective Intelligence Book
Machine Learning for Hackers ipynb / digital book
Intro to scikit-learn, SciPy2013 youtube tutorials
Probabilistic Modeling
Probabilistic Programming and Bayesian Methods for Hackers Github / Tutorials
Probabilistic Graphical Models Stanford / Coursera
Deep Learning (Neural Networks)
Neural Networks Andrej Karpathy / Python Walkthrough
Neural Networks U Toronto / Coursera
Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing CS224d Stanford
Social Network & Graph Analysis
Social and Economic Networks: Models and Analysis / Stanford / Coursera
Social Network Analysis for Startups Book
Natural Language Processing
From Languages to Information / Stanford CS147 Materials
How to Write a Spelling Correcter / Norvig (Tutorial)[]
Data Analysis
One of the "unteachable" skills of data science is an intuition for analysis. What constitutes valuable, achievable, and well-designed analysis is extremely dependent on context and ends at hand.
Big Data Analysis with Twitter UC Berkeley / Lectures
Exploratory Data Analysis Tukey / Book
in Python
Data Analysis in Python Tutorial
Python for Data Analysis Book
An Example Data Science Process ipynb
Data Communication and Design
Data Visualization and Communication
The Truthful Art: Data, Charts, and Maps for Communication Cairo / Book
Theoretical Design of Information
Envisioning Information Tufte / Book
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information Tufte / Book
Applied Design of Information
Information Dashboard Design: Displaying Data for At-a-Glance Monitoring Stephen Few / Book
Theoretical Courses / Design & Visualization
Data Visualization University of Washington / Slides & Resources
Berkeley's Viz Class UC Berkeley / Course Docs
Rice University's Data Viz class Rice University / Slides
Practical Visualization Resources
D3 Library / Scott Murray Blog / Tutorials
Interactive Data Visualization for the Web / Scott Murray Online Book & Book
OSDSM Specialization: Data Journalism
Python (Learning)
Python Class / Google
Python (Libraries)
Installing Basic Packages Python, virtualenv, NumPy, SciPy, matplotlib and IPython & Using Python Scientifically
Command Line Install Script for Scientific Python Packages
Pandas Cookbook (data structure library)
More Libraries can be found in the "awesome machine learning" repo & in related specializations
Data Structures & Analysis Packages
Flexible and powerful data analysis / manipulation library with labeled data structures objects, statistical functions, etc pandas & Tutorials Python for Data Analysis / Book
Machine Learning Packages
scikit-learn - Tools for Data Mining & Analysis
Networks Packages
networkx - Network Modeling & Viz
Statistical Packages
PyMC - Bayesian Inference & Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling toolkit
Statsmodels - Python module that allows users to explore data, estimate statistical models, and perform statistical tests
PyMVPA - Multivariate Pattern Analysis in Python
Natural Language Processing & Understanding
NLTK - Natural Language Toolkit
Gensim - Python library for topic modeling, document indexing and similarity retrieval with large corpora. Target audience is the natural language processing (NLP) and information retrieval (IR) community.
Data APIs
twython - Python wrapper for the Twitter API
Visualization Packages
matplotlib - well-integrated with analysis and data manipulation packages like numpy and pandas
Seaborn - a high-level statistical visualization package built on top of matplotlib
iPython Data Science Notebooks
Data Science in IPython Notebooks (Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Random Forests, K-Means Clustering)
Datasets are now here
R resources are now here
Data Science as a Profession
Doing Data Science: Straight Talk from the Frontline O'Reilly / Book
The Data Science Handbook: Advice and Insights from 25 Amazing Data Scientists Book
Capstone Project
Capstone Analysis of Your Own Design; Quora's Idea Compendium
Healthcare Twitter Analysis Coursolve & UW Data Science
Analyze your LinkedIn Network Generate & Download Adjacency Matrix
DataTau - The "Hacker News" of Data Science
Wikipedia - The free encyclopedia
The Signal and The Noise - Nate Silver
- Bestseller Pop Sci
Watch & Listen
Metacademy - Search for a concept you want to learn
Coursera - Online university courses
Wolfram Alpha - The smart number and info cruncher
Khan Academy - High quality, free learning videos
Last updated